Turning Garbage Into Art - Charter Schools
Published By
Abdulla Bin Otaiba

Abdulla Bin Otaiba
Turning Garbage Into Art
1/31/23 4:31 PM
Students at Abdulla Bin Otaiba Charter School participate in the Art of Recycling competition.
Recently, the Yalla Magazine Art of Recycling competition invited students from all over Abu Dhabi to create environmentally friendly art pieces using recyclable materials. The aim was to give students the opportunity to be innovative and creative, while promoting sustainability and other key environmental issues. In preparation for the competition, a professional artist, who is also one of our parents at Abdulla Bin Otaiba Charter School, gave workshops at the school. Examples of pieces created by our students were African huts made from sticks, an Eiffel Tower from plastic bottles, and a flag made from old paper and recycled bottles.