Al Ahd Charter School - Charter Schools
Al Ahd Charter School
At Al Ahd Charter School, our students drive our decisions, and we actively engage with our community to offer them a high-quality education in a safe and supportive environment. We are building our school community with a focus on the importance of Emirati culture, while recognizing the need to excel at standardized international testing. Our goal is to ensure our students make accelerated progress in all subjects, with an emphasis on literacy.
At Al Ahd Charter School, we aspire to provide high-quality education for all learners in an inspiring, inclusive environment.
We encourage students and staff to explore, identify, and develop their passions and talents as aspirational Al Ahd Charter School Learners.
Our principles are cooperation, action, responsibility, empathy and self-control.
Our motto: “One school, one family. Madrasa Wahida, Ayela Wahida.”
Follow directions. Help others. Take turns.
Solve problems. Ask for help.
Be on time. Be prepared. Do the right thing.
Be kind and caring. Think about others.
Be polite. Think before speaking and acting.
From the first minute that our students walk through the door of Al Ahd Charter School, we welcome them into a safe and nurturing environment, where they are able to achieve all they can to the best of their ability. We want our students to be proud of their environment and to take ownership of it.
One way we promote student ownership is by displaying their essays, poems, projects and exams on the walls. When they look around and see their own writing, creativity and thinking, they feel proud and appreciated, and, in turn, appreciate their environment.
Our students are aware of the high behavioral expectations we have of them. We believe in the importance of restorative conversations, which allow them to reflect on their choices and make better decisions moving forward.